
Creating Content from Home

So yes, it is May and we are still the middle of this insane quarantine (Am I in a movie?). Actually, I really hope I am wrong about saying “in the middle” and it is almost the end of it. I honestly cannot deal with it anymore. I think if I start going around in circles trying to explain the reasons, I am just going to throw out there my conclusion: I am going insane! And I am honestly not scared of embarrassed to say it because of social media. How? Well, social media during these times is the only tool we have to stay connected with our loved ones, it is our only tool to share tips on stuff we are doing and for us to also learn from others. Having the pleasure of owning a digital business, I am one of the people responsible to create content for my audience. At the beginning when it all started, I posted a lot of information and cool ideas of what to cook and also where to find the necessary supplies people needed for the new “Stay home” order.

Phase 2 or what I call : my best stage during quarantine. During the first 2 weeks of staying home, it was so easy for me to share what I was doing. I started cooking every day for every meal just because I was super excited about sharing my recipes. People where engaging with my stories and started getting even more excited. I did spinning because, if you follow me on IG you know I am a spinning freak (or was, before this thing started) I used to wake up every day at 6:30 am and drive to my spinning studio. That was my safe place, and the best way to start a productive day. So once the studio decided it was time to close the doors (and they tried until the last last day), they started renting the studio spinning bikes to regular customers so they don’t loose the momentum! Most of my spinning friends started renting the bike and I was like OMG what is this dream come true, I need it asap! Yes, I got it and it was great during phase 2. I did my spinning class in my living room with Figo looking weird at me. My apartment is super bright and the light reflects on the tv, the way I had the bike placed it was impossible to see the TV (where I wanted to watch classes from my studio with my favorite instructor via IGTV). So I decided I could just put the phone in front of the bike and watch it there. Surprise, after 20 minutes I was so dizzy from watching my phone screen I was done. I tried to keep up and do the best I could but it wasn’t the same workout I felt at the studio. I felt something was missing and I got a little disappointed in the results (obviously, I was eating so much and not healthy).

Then, I decided it was time to try the walking outside in fresh air thing. I started taking Figo on really long walks during the afternoon where the sun is about to go down. Figo loved it and it was new for him because he isn’t used to go out of the gated community where we live to walk around Brickell, Miami! Lucky dog. Long walks around the best city ever, and it was so great. Just put my AirPods on and I spoke to a friend or heard music while doing exercise. When that happened, Figo injured his hips and started to walk with pain. It was obviously a wake up call for me that I can’t make a 6 year old dog with hip problems to walk long distances. So then I stopped doing that as well. I think that is when Bianka went insane. I stayed home every day and only going out for 2 minutes 3 times a day for Figo to pee. Let me remind you I live in a Studio that is very small with a full size Golden Retriever.

It was hard for me to be home all alone doing absolutely everything in the same space. Some days I woke up and I didn’t want to do anything other than watch the TV show I was watching. Or eat, but I just didn’t feel creative enough to start sharing things. Also, I was such in a bad mood for the whole situation that I just said: Ugh! Not doing it.

But after that, I started watching some other content creators accounts and they started inspiring me to try new things. From taking pictures with my camera that I never use, to play with the mirrors in the house to create different backgrounds. I started being a little bit more active on the social platforms and little by little started knowing what I wanted to share.

Here are some of my funnest ideas!

  • Get creative with the kitchen! And your tummy will thank you later!

    2020. The year where cooking home meals became a trend.
    Here are some of the things I shared with my audience through stories. I later posted the recipe of each one.

  • DIY project! I did a tie die of a pair of jeans and it was great. I created content and I also shared my own testimonial on how “easy” it was.

Here is where I tried to die one side of a pair of jeans. Got this inspiration DYI project from another content creator and loved the results! Bleach and done!

  • Move mirrors around the house and sit on the floor for some cute mirror selfies! (throwback)
  • Discovering loungewear sets on different brands and share it to the world. Because loungewear became the new dress code for everyone and I AM THE HAPPIEST!Is it weird to say that I don’t trust people that wear jeans in the house? Like, why and how can that be a comfortable outfit for being in your house!
  • Organizing agenda with work deadlines and also house chores is an important thing. It has helped me so much with my anxiety.

AND the most important thing has been spending time with my four legged baby.

As a person who suffers from anxiety, this whole situation has been extra hard for me. Maybe more than to other people, but I am so proud of my self for how I have handled the situation and stress. The first thing I am thinking about when I feel overwhelmed is that I cannot be so hard with myself. What if one day I want to stay in bed instead of going to the couch or dinning table? What if one day I want to order a burger from Shake Shake and not cook? Everything is ok! I think that using this time to take care of ourselves in body and mind, is extremely important. Every person has their own way of doing it and it is more than ok! Never compare yourself with others, always remember each person is a different world with different feelings and ideas. All I can say is that we will all be ok and I think the post pandemic life will be more awesome because now, we value the little things that we all took for granted. And I cannot wait to see the new normal and how awesome it will be!

4 ways to practice self-care

How many times do we hear from friends and family that we should practice self-care? How many times do we feel we are missing something, or we just need something for ourselves but can’t figure out what it is.

For me, these past months have been nothing but me. Being happy, making sure to heal every wound I had. It has been a self discovery period where I learned and keep learning a lot about myself every single day. What makes me comfortable and what doesn’t. Who I like and who I don’t. Eliminating toxic people and situations from my life that were triggers to my anxiety. Focusing on what matters. My family, my dog, my closest friends. But it comes to a point that you realize that is not enough. We need something more for ourselves.

Think about it like a relationship. If you love someone you do nice things for the other person. Things that will make you feel happy because you are making someone you love happy too! It’s the same thing with ourselves. We have to love ourselves SO much that when we start feeling lonely we remember we have ourselves and that’s what matters.

I have created 4 self-care tips I have been practicing and they have helped me a lot. Once you close a chapter in your life you feel so lost, and this has helped me a lot. If you have no idea where to start, you should definitely try some of these. I am not going to be talking about the same ones you hear or read everywhere. These a REAL things that you can do without even thinking they will make you feel better, but as obvious and little they might seem, they have worked for me and I hope they work on you too!

1. Take a long shower at night before you go to bed 

Yea, seems a little obvious for some people. Actually, I have noticed a lot of people already do this! Shocker. I have never been the type of person who showers at night before I feel like I will wake up (used to do it when I went to the gym). Every time I feel anxious, lonely, or with fear of the future. Whatever negative feeling I have, the shower helps you think about other things. Somehow, water has miracles and changes your mood in a second! Every time I take a shower, I sleep like a baby and that is a good thing for the next day. Good sleep = good day.

2. Discover something that makes you want to come home

It might sound dumb. But it has helped a lot. Usually, I wanna be home. You know when you feel like you can’t do it anymore. Or when the anxiety is grabbing you and literally not letting you move. Well, I gotta wake up every day to bring my dog down. So yes, he makes me wake up. I could be working from my bed everyday but I decide not to. That gives me more anxiety and makes me feel like I lost a day of my life. But, I also do like to go out with friends and get my mind off of things. However, it is very important to find something that will make you happy to be alone in your space and something that will make you come back home to be on your “safe place and space”. For me, besides my dog obviously. It is getting hooked on a TV show. Yep, that simple. I am into a show and that makes me want to be alone. That makes me want to come home and feel it as my safe place. Sounds weird? Probably. You can find a book, a space in your home, something that means something to you and makes you value your space.

3. Put on some makeup and just go!

Have you ever had friends that you never go out with. And all of the sudden they just invite you to some plan. I am a very timid person, and I don’t really like going out with people I don’t know. I had to change that if I want to meet more people. So yes, I decided that if someone was going to do something even if I didn’t know the people who were there I was still going to go. And it has been great! I’ve met new people out of my circle, people with stories, advices. And it has been amazing! Plus, how good does it feel to put makeup on, and getting ready… Looking nice at the mirror is something that changes your mindset completely. Builds your confidence and some how just brings out a smile.

4. Even if you love them, just let them go.

I am not talking about romantic relationships. Well, if you need to hear it, it can also be included in this. One of the things that have helped me the most to keep my feet on the ground and keep going is eliminating completely the toxic people in your life. This can be friends, family, acquaintances. People that make you believe they have the best intentions at heart for you but they don’t act like it. Just eliminating people like that from your life is a must. You can love them have great memories with them, be thankful because they were on difficult times. Letting go does not mean forgetting or stop loving them. Letting go is putting yourself first and knowing they are no longer good for you. Or they are not good for you during your healing. Maybe they can come back when you are back to yourself! But at this precise moment, they wont be able to help you and you have to accept that. Sometimes people are not ready to help. Sometimes people have their own problems. You don’t know what people are battling. Me? I have had been such a bad friend for the past months, I haven’t had the energy to hear other people’s problems. During that time my friends probably thought I was the bad friend. But I was just not capable….. So, with that being said. It doesn’t mean that they are not your friends or your family, it just means that you decided that for the moment or permanently, they don’t bring anything positive to you and your life. Try to hang out with people that makes you laugh, listen to you with no judgement, push you everyday to make you feel better and more than that, make you feel that they value your relationship. They value you as you are with problems or with no problems. They value your heart and your soul.

They seem obvious right? I didn’t mention yoga or meditation as everywhere else. Because when I read all of those articles when I needed I really didn’t have the strength to do it. I was like seriously, who does that right now. They probably don’t feel anything. But these are real and some little little things that have helped me go through the week or the weekend.

Most important, know that whatever it is happening to you, it will all be ok. I know, you probably don’t believe it now (trust me I have been there) But it will. Time heals everything if you heal right. Time makes you see things differently. I am another person than what I was before. But always remember, listen to your body! If you need to rest you need to rest. But the most important thing about this is to understand that the world, life keeps going! No one and nothing stops because of you and how you are feeling. Life is so short, don’t waste one more day waiting to feel better to start. Start with the small things… Everything will work out the way it has!

Because life is great!


Why is it so hard to let go?

This has been a question I’ve been getting a lot lately. After my last posts (which I did erase) I explained it on one of my live videos on IG why.

I know that many of my readers feel identified with this because they are currently going through the same thing and think they will never be ok, or things will never get better. And that hole in your stomach and throat will never go away. But I have some amazing news for you, even if you don’t believe me… IT WILL GO AWAY!

We’ve all been there. Reading quotes, listening to friends telling us it will be ok and we just don’t believe it. We just focus on what we are feeling at the moment and we think it will never go away, that we will never be happy again and there, exactly there is where you start holding on to memories.

When we are with someone for a long or even a short period of time, it is because they make us happy, complete! That feeling is one of the best feelings we can ever experience. And because of that, it is so hard to move on and so easy to hold on to something that does not exist anymore. Our brain is completely disconnected from out heart and we stop thinking logically.

We just think about how to get that happiness back, and convince ourselves that the only way is to go back to the person that made US feel that. But there’s the trick. We are no longer holding on to the person, we are holding on to how they made us feel at a certain moment. It makes a big difference once you understand, right?

Why is it hard to let go. Because at that moment, we are not thinking straight. We are filled with fear of how we would live alone and what if we don’t find that happiness again and we start fighting with all our strength to get that back. And yes, most of the times we get to a point that while we are doing this we completely forget to respect ourselves, to love ourselves, and we don’t understand that we cannot ask for love. Because one thing is to fight for love and a very different thing is to fight for someone to love us. That is not correct and not fair with ourselves.

We’ve all read the quote that says “Sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go” and that is one of the most accurate things I have ever heard and I now, understand what it means exactly. Holding on to something hurts SO much that sometimes it becomes unbearable. It can even make us physically or mentally sick! Because it causes stress, anxiety and so much other things that are dangerous to our bodies.

It hurts so much to let go of a person that once made us happy because of FEAR or not finding the same. But you know what? You will find the same and no no.. Not the same, something better! Someone that not even in their wildest dreams would they do anything to loose you. Someone that cannot stop loving you for a second. Someone that loves you the way you do.

How to move on? By living one day at a time. By making plans in our future. By doing small things that makes us happy. Drink a tea, take a nice bath, go out and dance. Whatever makes you happy! Every little thing you do to take care of yourself counts. And day by day the hole and pain in your gut will disappear until one day, it is gone.

And you are back, you are ok. And you are ready for your next chapter in life with more strength, lessons and love to give. You’ll see……..

Life only gives us what we can handle. . . . . .

Just a little reflection I wanted to share ❤



Miami Fashion Week 101

Miami Fashion Week just ended. I love this time of year in my city. This year however, there was a little bit of drama en misunderstanding between some influencers who decided to not go. I am part of the group who decided to attend the shows and network with people that come for this from around the US and even the world.

I will be honest, I cannot and will not compare this fashion week with NYFW. I mean, this one is smaller and newer. Yes, I know that if you actually searched a little but you know that it has been here for 10 years but when I mean by new is that it is not long since they actually started to work with influencers, big designers and bringing in people from New York that work for NYFW to put their experience into it.

One of my favorite things about this fashion week is that we get to see some cool latin american designers. From Spain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Venezuela and so many others. Only that, makes the experience completely different and makes you feel like home. I am a true fan or discovering new upcoming designers and watching them grow by doing their fashion shows here is very cool!

This was my second year attending and it was much better than the last, they are getting better and I do recommend people that live in Miami to go and experience it for at least one show. You will be watching some gorgeous models walk in amazing designs while supporting your city and this event for it to grow. I am positive that it will get better year by year until we become one of the main events in fashion.

I have been asked some questions about how to get in. Well, its very simple! First you wanna go ahead and follow @miamifashionweek to get updates on their events and designer lists for next year! Second, make sure to know when will it be and make sure to buy your tickets! Food and beverage are available there but it is honestly very expensive so if I were you, I would get organized and eat before getting there… But, if you want a drink then good luck to you! LOL

Once you’re there with your mobile tickets, you will go to the main room located when you get in, and make a line to get the actual general admission tickets. There is lines for press, designer guests and general admission. The line is not bad and everybody is there to help you.

After that, just hang out look at some cool outfits from influencers and artists that attend (there are some interesting things to watch!) and in a little bit they will make the call to get in the runway room and grab a seat! After that, just watch and enjoy!

I really hope you guys are in for next year, you wont regret it! It is an awesome experience and you can say you actually attended a fashion show!

Here are some of the pics I took from the shows this year.


Where do get your eyebrows done in Miami?

So, if you’re like me that think that eyebrows are the most important trait in your face then you will agree with me when I say that finding the best spot with someone that really knows about eye brows is really really hard.

I moved to Miami 3 years ago and after all that time, after trying tons of people and places I can happily say that I have finally found the best spot. I am not only talking about me but the reviews are amazing and that’s why I got there.

I was desperate and I had to ask one of my fellow bloggers (beauty) for a tip of where to get my eyebrows done! She told me about this place and at first I was a little unsure if I should drive all day way up there (its 30 min away from my house).

When I got there I saw the cutest place ever! It is at a beauty mall with full of beauty suites. They have hair salons, nail salons and this brow salon which is so cute! So this first time, my eyebrows were a complete MESS. So long and hairy it was embarrassing! A little secret about me, as a true latina I am hairy LOL.

I was completely impressed by the way she did them with wax of course. The shape was perfect and she even showed me how to put makeup on them. I was so so happy I finally found my spot! Driving back, I remembered how the first times I go everywhere is always perfect, and I started questioning if it was going to be this good every time I go. It was kind of the “too good to be truth” type of thing.

I went again weeks after, they are SO booked that I had to do the appointment a month before……. They were perfect AGAIN! I was like really, LOL. Third time.. PERFECT AGAIN. SO YEP, finally found my spot!

This place is called Browaholics and here is their IG account where you can book your appointment first and thank me later BROWAHOLICS.

Just for you guys to have an idea… I will soon be sharing some selfies I have taken where you can clearly see the perfection of my eyebrows now. I am obsessed and thankful I found this amazing place! Not leaving ever! I love it so much that I was kind of second guessing this post just because they will have more appointments and less space for me… but I love you guys so much that I am willing to share haha.

If you guys decide to go, please send me pictures and reviews! I would LOVE to read them.





Conquering my flying phobia

OMG! I recently went on a little weekend trip to El Salavdor for a wedding. I havent been on a plane for more than 6 months (I really had the chance to travel but every time, the phobia comes in and I back out. HOW STUPID)

Let’s begin by telling the story about how I got this phobia. It was out of no where really, I never had any problems flying! When I turned older I started to get nervous on the plane but it was manageable. Then, out of no where on a flight I started to feel as if my blood pressure went down and I felt trapped, as if I couldnt move! That was my first panic attack. If you guys know me and follow my life on Instagram, I’m sure you know I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.

Back to that day, I started telling the person I was traveling with, that I NEEDED the plane to land because I couldnt do it. I was really feeling bad. If you have had a panic attack you know how the mind is and it takes control of your body and thoughts. Just the fact of thinking that the plane would fall and I would leave my family and dog alone, was something out of my comfort zone and made me go crazy!

After that, I decided I will never fly again without any pills. I took Xanax every time and it was fine, I was ok during the flight! But that didnt take my anxiety of the day (or two) before the trip! I am not kidding when I tell you, I literally did not sleep or eat. I starting seeing everything thinking that it was going to be the last time. I was going crazy and my mind couldnt stop it.

They say that when you have more things to loose, you are more scared of taking risks. Well, I am not sure if it’s that but I probably thought I had less things to lose (though time). Two days before, I was thinking that maybe I wasn’t going… I literally blocked myself from thinking about me being in a plane and I convinced myself that it was not going to happen. Well, OH SURPRISE I slept very well the night before! I was calm when I was driving to the airport and for the first time in a very very long time I actually felt excited about going on a trip!

( I would love to tell you how many trips and experiences I’ve lost because of this stupid phobia, JESUS! can I take back time?)

I did not want to take a chance and have a panic attack in the middle of the flight! I have been experiencing them a lot lately and I couldn’t afford one more. I took literally the minimum I could take of Xanax. (3 times less than what I usually take to fly)… IT WAS AMAZING.  I was relaxed but there, I was actually enjoying the view! I saw the sky, the clouds. I felt good being up there (I think I’ve never had this feeling before).

On the trip back home I did the same thing. And it was great again! (actually better because I was excited to see my dog).

If you suffer from this phobia, I am sure you’ve heard 10000 times from absolutely everyone that

  1. The plane is the safest transportation
  2. Look at the odds! It’s most probably to get struck by a lightning than crushing on a plane
  3.  You’ll be fine!

And so many other things! But no guys, when someone is scared none of that really matters. My advice? The only thing you can do is work with your mind, find the things that work for you and little by little it can go away! I am not sure if mine did, but I am sure I will work on it and I will NEVER say no to a trip again because of the airplane. So what’s the worst that can happen? Yeah, the same thing that can happen while you’re in bed! So why not enjoy the moments? WORK WITH YOUR MIND! ITS THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL IN OUR BODIES, AND ONCE YOU HAVE CONQUERED THAT, YOU WILL OWN YOUR EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS.

I will keep you guys updated on my next trip, I am going to do it without any pills! Wish me luck!!!! (positivity is the best tool too!)

Am I really there?

My 30th birthday is almost here. I have so many mixed feelings I can’t even begin to explain.

When we are teenagers, we always tend to imagine our life and our future to be perfect. Where I am from, being 30 means you have to be married, have kids and have your life in “order”. I grew up with that in my mind and I really thought it was my future.

I have gone through SO much during my last years and I would never imagine being where I am now. Don’t take me wrong, I love my life and I am great full for all the opportunities I have. I am happy that I finally found my passion and are living my dream.

However, my life is not where I thought it would be! I am about to be 30 and I am a divorcee living in Miami with a dog. Is that bad? NO! It only makes me think how unexpected life is. How our plans and dreams can change in a blink of an eye is crazy!

Let’s talk about what I’ve learned my first 29 years of life.

  1. Never make assumptions and never expect that things come on their own. You have to work hard for what you want, everyday.
  2. Never take for granted people that care about you, love you and see pass your flaws.
  3. Having time alone is the best gift you can give to yourself.
  4. I learned the difference between people I know and actual friends.
  5. NEVER let anyone tell you you’re not good enough or you can’t do something.
  6. Think twice before talking, take a deep breath and a step back.
  7. Hug and kiss your parents, tell them how much you love them and thank them for everything they have done for you, even if you don’t understand yet, you will know it is for your own good.
  8. Have your own opinion and celebrate it! You are you, never let anyone decide for you, SPEAK UP!
  9. Ask for help! It is never too late. I suffer from anxiety and I was always in denial. I had to touch ground to understand I needed help.
  10. Enjoy every moment of laughter with your friends.
  11. Love someone SO much it hurts (not talking about a toxic relationship.

I can keep going with my list, I’ve learned so much.  Yes, turning 30 is a big taboo, you question yourself if you are where you wanted. You ask yourself is you’re doing what you are supposed to do. So many questions and no answers yes, it is a little annoying. But all I can say is WAIT, RELAX AND BE HAPPY.


No one has the same time-frame. There are no rules about what you should be doing and when, the only thing you should care about is if you’re happy! At the end, that’s all that will matter.

And for the people that are almost 30. REMEMBER 30’S are the new 20’S, you got this!

*Just a little reminder to start the week*

Favorite Valentine’s Day outfit ideas!

Favorite Valentine’s Day looks!

So after I’ve seen so many blogs and pictures about Valentine’s, I thought I needed to show you guys the other side of the coin (that’s how we say it in spanish, I’m not sure if the translation makes any sense).

In the US. people love doing this day a huge thing! As if love had to be celebrated only one day a year. I personally don’t believe in that. What I do believe in, is making this day a great excuse to have a cute date with your significant other and make something special, nice and different from any other day or date of the year.

With that said, I’ve seen how girls get dressed for this day. It depends on where you are going but mostly wearing dresses and something pink or red. The colors of love right?  I agree with the colors! But the dresses, or maybe it’s only me that I just love casual looks. And I love the actual trend of mixing casual and formal pieces to create an AMAZING outfit.

Even if it’s for a cool day out or for dinner. I will not wear dresses. I’m sorry girls! It’s just not me. And I will not be forced to only because I’m supposed to (YAS, THE BEST THING ABOUT FASHION)… So I picked out some cool pieces to mix it up a little and create some outfits for this cool day! If you don’t have any idea of what to wear… This is for you!






Bag: Buy here

Pink Shoes: Buy here

Baby Pink Sweater: Buy here

Red Sneakers: Buy here





Cat Eye Red Sunnies: Buy here

Knit Baby Pink Top: Buy here

Red Flounce Top: Buy here

T-Shirt: Buy here


Pink and Red pumps: Buy here

Pink Metallic Pumps: Buy here

White Booties: Buy here

Snake Print Booties: Buy here

Ok, so I know there are many things here. I don’t want to create the outfit for you because every person has a different style and taste when it comes to clothing. But I did go to my go-to stores for fast fashion trends and something I will probably not wear more than twice. Zara, forever 21 and for shoes Nordstrom!

And as every year. I will make a list of gifts for guys so if you have no idea what to give your boyfriend or whatever you guys are. LOL. I got you!





New Years Eve with Rent the Runway

One of the reasons I love love blogging is exploring new ways to stay trendy and without spending a lot. I love that about fashion, it’s always about how you style a piece and not about how much it costs.

One of the best subscriptions I have tried is called Rent the Runway. I am completely obsessed with their unlimited plan. I literally have 4 new pieces every 2 days.

For you guys to understand why I love this so much I have to go back and talk about me a little. So many people ask why I don’t spend much money on brands and on good stuff, the answer I always give is because I always get bored of my closet! Why would I spend a lot in something I will probably wear 2-3 times MAX? Sometimes, when it’s something very trendy or colorful, I would wear it once!

So yes, this subscription is for us! The ones that have a HUGE closet but nothing to wear (yes, you). So this is how this goes, you have two options. One is to just rent the piece you like for a special occasion, the price depends on the piece and on the price. I did that once and it worked out great! The other option and this is the one I am using, is the unlimited plan, this is the one you pay a monthly fee and you get 4 pieces every time you want!

So let’s do the math, it takes 2 days to get to your house, you wear them during the week and once you’re done wearing them you can just mail them back. It takes 2 days to get back to the Rent the Runway warehouse and once they check that everything is ok, you’re app automatically let’s you choose 4 more pieces!! Come on, isn’t this AMAZINNNNGGGGGG.

I want to share all of the looks I’ve gotten from them and I promise you guys I will (if you follow me on IG you already saw them) But the reason of this specific blog post is to show you guys my top 5 picks from them for New Years Eve! If you follow fashion, you know that glitter is the MUST WEAR for this holiday. These dresses are still on the page after NYE so if you have a party, wedding or any other thing, you can always get them! But you still have 1 day to get yourself a super cute nice outfit to start your year as you should. By looking fabulous and fashionable! So here are my picks. If you guys decide to get them, please make sure to send me pics! I would LOVE to see how you style them 🙂 PS. I’M LINKING ALL OF THEM HERE TOO! (YOU’RE WELCOME!)

  1. Sequin Blazer Dress 

    Glittery Blazer
  2.  Sequin Renada Dress 

    Sequin Renada Dress
  3.  Zoe Sequin Dress

    Zoe Sequin Dress


  4. Multi Sequin Colored Dress 




  5. Contour Mini Dress

    Contour Mini Dress


    Soooo. Yes, those are my top 5. Just click on the caption of each picture and it will take you directly to the link of the piece I am dying to know if you guys are going to choose any of these. If you do, please take pics! (I said that already, sorry)



Late Christmas Shopping

Hey guys!

So I am here to save the day. Who else is like me that never get Christmas gifts on time? Well that’s a problem I have every single year. Every time I say, nope this is not happening again and here we go again LOL. But, we all have people who we don’t see until after Christmas and we have more time to get their gifts… This list is for them!

So today I went to this amazing huge outlet in Miami called Sawgrass Mills. I know that if you have been in Miami, you’ve been there. During the Hollidays it’s CRAZY!!! But the deals you get there are out of this world! The good thing about the mall is that you find all of the stores in one place. You have everything for every budget. From Gucci, Valentino, Prada to Forever21 and H&M.

Enough about talking and let’s just get to it, here’s my list!

    Who doesn’t have a chocolate fanatic in their families or group of friends? I think we all do. And I think we can all agree that GODIVA is one of the best ones out there. They have so many flavors and options! Plus the packaging is so cute, you don’t have to worry about re-pack it
  2. Adidas
    This is a must stop at the mall. They have some great deals. I love their sneakers, I think we can never have enough. The only catch about this one is that shoes are kind of personal, why? Who knows the shoe size of people anyways? So let’s just leave this one to the very close ones. Right?
  3. Forever21
    This store has literally everything. I usually go there to get small gifts for friends. They have some great fast fashion pieces with amazing prices. I love styling people and maybe that’s why I love going to this store. I can get a pair of pants a cute top or even a very nice jacket. Who doesn’t like new cool closet additions?
  4. Solstice
    This is one of my favorites. A pair of sunnies! They have good and affordable brands. This is a very nice gift for anyone. What I love about this store is that they have different prices for any budget. (Have you noticed that’s what I love the most about any store?)
  5. Bare Minerals
    This store, I can’t even begin to talk about this one. I love their make up line. Get some clean and natural makeup, it’s mineral based and it’s actually good for your skin! So if you have someone in your “gift-list” that loves natural stuff this is a great idea! They have some cool Holiday kits!
  6. Century 21
    Let me start by giving you a little fun fact about this store. This is the only store in the whole state! I love this one. It’s one of my favorite department stores ever. I love that they have many brands and they deals are pretty amazing. Their fashion is always on point and have so many things to choose from. From Gucci and Fendi bags to Zara pieces. Shoes, dresses, athleisure, you can find literally everything here! And with the BEST prices out there. Like their logo says: “Designer brands, amazing prices!”
  7. Marc Jacobs
    This is one of the brands I feel is still within budget and not everyone is using like many others. You can find this store at the Colonade Outlet, this is the part of the mall that is filled with high end stores (outlet stores) I went inside and found some super cool bags. The prices are very affordable and most of all, they can be used as a fashion statement. I got one from me to me this year and I can’t wait to show it to you guys!!! (pictures to come soon!)
  8. Saks Off 5th
    Saks… I think many people hear this word and immediately starts thinking “expensive!” Well, this store is the opposite of that. Filled with very good quality products and half the original price. I’ve found so many amazing things in this store lately it’s crazy. You can get very nice things here. Shoes, coats, pj’s, very nice tops, you name it! If you want affordable quality pieces then this is the place to go!
  9. David Yurman
    If you want to spend a little bit more for someone extra special then I do recommend you to visit this store. David Yurman is a luxury jewelry brand that has timeless designs. I’m sure we all know their famous bracelet. What I love about this brand is that their designs are inspired by natural textures. They’re not like any other jewelry brand, this one actually stands out and makes people identify the brand by just looking at the piece. This store is located at the Colonade Outlets too. Must stop!
  10. Gucci
    Fine, I wasn’t going to add this one to the list but I just had to. This store is the only one that is full every time I go to the mall. There is a line of people waiting to go in! The prices are out of this world and really, who else thinks that Gucci has completely turned around and it’s actually a brand that it’s worth investing in. And yes, to me it’s not about the brand it’s about the design! I love their new image. So in this outlet store they cary classic designs and some of the new ones too! Depending on your taste, if you want to give someone a nice gift then this is a very good idea. saving the best for last always!

I hope you guys enjoyed and got any idea from this list! I picked out my favorites but the mall is filled with amazing stores and deals! You can find gifts for everyone!

I bought some cool things from me to me this year and I can’t wait to show them to you guys! Make sure to check out my instagram for pictures to come!

Happy Holidays everyone!